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Do you want a greater revelation of who God is,

His name and His nature?


Then let this book lead you visually through

twenty-five facets of God's character, attributes and nature

which you may have not seen in this way before. 

Each carries a timely message, encouragement

and at times, even warnings.


As you read, cry out with our brother, Apostle Paul:

"that I may know Him..." (Philippians 3:10).


Align yourself with teh words of David, who said:
"I heard Your voice in my heart say, 'Come, seek My face;'

my inner being responded,

'Yahweh, I'm seeking Your face with all my heart.'"
(Psalm 27:8, TPT)


His is the Name above every name and

He alone is worthy to be praised!


Painting the Names of God - Vol. 1

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